Mariah's expertise also encompasses exploring with you your "whole person". The "why, what and how" of your life. It is her experience that if you have an issue that you want to address in your work life, it most likely is also surfacing in your personal life and in your inter-personal relationships. Some of the areas where Mariah can help you find greater clarity are:
- Connecting to your purpose in this life. The "why" of your life.
- Looking at your "what" and your "how" - "what" you are doing and "how" you are doing it (in life and at work). Are your what and your how working together or fighting each other? Learn to leverage both your "what", your I.Q. (intelligence quotient) and your "how", your E.Q. (emotional intelligence) to find greater congruency and peace in your life.
- Understanding your stress and anxiety and learning how to manage and reduce them.
- Your habits - are they working for you or against you?
- Speaking with kindness and clarity - speak your truth and do so effectively.